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Electric vehicles and tax breaks
If you provide your employees with company cars or vans you may wish to consider switching to electric vehicles and take advantage of some of the tax breaks.
November key dates
In this article we take a look at the November key dates you might like to note in your November 2023 diary.
Electric Company Cars
HMRC have recently changed their policy allowing employers to reimburse the cost of electricity used in charging electric company cars at home tax free. This further increases the attractiveness of electric company cars as a tax-efficient benefit.
Change at RPG Crouch Chapman
It’s all change at RPG Crouch Chapman. We are delighted to announce that commencing early November we will start a relocation to a new London office and at the same time we are also rebranding to RPGCC.
Student Loan Repayments
Student loan repayments are a topic that our private client tax team are familiar with. Often our clients with student loans are falling into the Self Assessment regime for the first time.
What is a trust? How do you use a trust? How are trusts taxed? Everything you ever needed to know about trusts.
ULEZ and your business
ULEZ and your business, what impact does it have, and what does it mean for you, your employees and your business?
Is your business eligible for R&D tax relief?
To qualify for R&D tax relief, your company, your projects and the activities you’re claiming for will need to meet certain criteria. Let’s dive in.
Top 5 challenges facing the UK logistics sector
Following the Pandemic the UK logistics sector has continued to experience rapid change and innovation. However, it is also seen a number of challenges.
October Key dates and deadlines
Taxpayers must undertake various tasks, such as filing returns and paying tax, by certain October key dates. If these deadlines are missed, HMRC may charge late filing and late payment penalties. Interest is also charged on tax paid late.
What’s the future of Inheritance Tax?
There have been reports in the press that the Government may reduce or indeed abolish Inheritance Tax. We asked one of our Tax Partners, to explain the current thinking.
Potential for VAT recovery
The issue of VAT recovery on deal fees has been through the courts at national and European level for almost thirty years and what was a fairly solid position has shifted somewhat over time.
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