Business Valuations
Business valuations serve a variety of purposes – including probate, divorce, buying out an exiting shareholder or as part of a business growth plan in order to reach a valuation target
The RPGCC Corporate Finance team have carried out hundreds of business valuations, using standard industry methodologies and access to comparable transaction databases.
Reach out to us
We’re here to help at the end of the day. Let’s find out what we can do to make your life that little bit smoother.
How can RPGCC’s Corporate Finance Team help with Business Valuations?
Why use RPGCC’s Business Valuation Services?
RPGCC’s Business Valuation team have:
- extensive valuation experience across a wide range of industries
- access to valuation multiple databases and transaction information
- clear, concise, easy to follow layout illustrating how our conclusions were reached
- different presentation options depending on the level of detail required

RPGCC’s valuations can be used to help you understand where your business currently stands in terms of value and act as a platform for achieving a future valuation target.
We can also help you understand the drivers of the value and identify changes that could increase the value in the future.
If you would like to speak to a member of our Corporate Finance team about business valuations contact us or telephone us on 020 7870 9050. Or you can visit our web chat in the bottom right corner which is manned during office hours and you can leave a message out of hours.
The RPGCC corporate finance team are always just a click or call away.