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On our blog, you’ll find content and updates from the world of accounting, relevant to your business and thoughtfully constructed. With topics ranging from top tips on dealing with HMRC to the latest updates in Government policy, our blog has it all.
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Class 2 NIC – National Insurance
Discover the implications of the abolition of Class 2 NIC announced in the Chancellor’s 2023 Autumn Statement.
RPGCC Tax Investigation Service – 6 months on
Did you know that we offer a tax investigation service that would protect you against additional accountancy fees in the event of a HMRC tax investigation?
Can you claim the Marriage Allowance?
It goes without saying that the Marriage Allowance can only be claimed by married couples and by couples in a civil partnership.
ERS – Form 42
The 2023-24 UK tax year has just ended and attention turns to preparing and filing Employment Related Securities Return ERS Form 42.
VAT fraud and changing bank details
This is just as a quick reminder regarding a common VAT fraud which has been around since last year, but which appears to be on the rise again.
Funding investment property
Property owners, property investors, or property landlords, what are your options for funding investment property?
VAT Registration
Recent changes to the compulsory turnover registration limits offer opportunities to small traders to either consider VAT registration or deregister for VAT.
Managing Cashflow – tips for small businesses
Managing cashflow is critical for the survival and growth of your business. It involves planning, monitoring and controlling the money coming in and going out.
Personal Tax Planning 2024/2025
As we enter the new tax year personal tax planning has never been more important. Now more than ever it is important that you take a proactive approach to tax.
What is an Associated Company?
What is an associated company? A company is an associated company of another at any time when one of the two has control of the other or both are under the control of the same person.
Should I incorporate my business?
Should I incorporate my business? If you are thinking of setting up a business, or if you already operate as a sole trader, you may be asking yourself this question.
Does your company need to file an ATED Return?
Does your property company need to file an ATED Return? With the arrival of April comes that time of year when companies are reminded to think about ATED (Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings) returns.
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